Although we did not get to volunteer as long as we would have liked (the school wanted us to have a little spanish under out belt first), we spent the last week helping out at a school in the afternoons. The kids in Cusco generally go to school from 8:00am to 1.00 pm. Many of the adults of poorer families will work until dark,or later, and are unable to come home and look after the kids. The idea of the school is to give the kids somewhere to go to help with their homework, improve their reading, writing, math, do arts and crafts, play, make friends, and keep them from wandering the streets. A local guy here (Yuri) started up the school after he graduated (i think he´s in his late 20´s). He funds the school through a restaurant that he started to support the project. He´s currently in the process of opening up a hostel and a second school for another 40 kids (current school is about 60 kid). The theme of the school is love. As soon as you walk in the door, every kid greats you with ¨Hola Profe¨and a kiss on the cheek. Some of the cutest kids I have ever seen.
On halloween, we took the kids out into the town. Yuri likes the kids to give as well as receive on halloween, so last year he had them all out in the main square with signs giving out ¨free hugs and kisses.¨ This year, his idea was to have the kids hand out candy, especially to adults who dont take part in halloween. Of course after the kids all got their fair share of candy too.
Definately a very rewarding experience, and Yuri was truely one of the most inspiring people I´ve every met. The webiste is below if you want to read anymore about it:
1 comment:
Keep the pictures coming guys! We're all living vicariously through you. Those kids are absolutely adorable :)
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