hello all. as previously mentionned we were on our way to patagonia. Thanks to paul and mine engineering planning and T´s business strategy, we got there, barely. We showed up in Puerto Natales, Chile with little more than hopes and dreams. One such dream, held by team member Thirnan, was the replacement of items he had already lost on this trip, of which there are many. Thanks to the numerous camping oriented stores he was able to replace a coveted shammy towel and travel pillow.
We spent a day planning a 5 day, 86 km, excursion into the wilderness then head off the next morning.
Day 1
we battled into the bush to get in touch with mother nature...

apparently nature comes with an avocado salad courtesy of 2 south africans. The goal of day 1 hike is to get to a small lake up in the mountains, presided over by 3 peaks named the ´Torres´. I liked it.

Day 2
Day 2 was a push to the next campsite. thankfully we felt right at home in what was seemingly the rocky mountains.

we skipped stones on this beach. it was magical.

we shared a moment of deep contemplation. also magical.

T cooking up some grits.

Day 3
We woke up and headed up another valley for a view of some mountains and a glacier. It was fogged in and snowing. Regardless the trek made us better for who we are.

We returned to camp at the base of the valley and headed off for campsite the third. It was harrowing.
There was a turqoise lake. We went to the turquoise lake because I´ve never seen a turquoise lake before and to be honest, I wanted to see one.

Day 4/5
Day 4 was a hike up to a camp beside a large glacier by the name of Grey. On our way there we were enticed with sightings of icebergs fallen from the glacier, because its melting, you know, the whole Al Gore thing.
And here it is..
Some of the icebergs fallen from the shelf float into the nearby bay on the left there.

Paul and I decided to get out on some.
turns out one of the chunks of ice that we got out on was less suited for returning across. Here´s how it went down...
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