Next stop after Botswana was Livingston, Zambia, home of Victoria Falls. Botswana and Zambia are separated by a river, and despite Botswana being one of the more wealthy African countries, no bridge has ever been built across. They kick it old school with huge ferries.
Apparently some truckers have to sit in a lineup for 3 days before they can get across.

We had 5 days to kill there, so we took it easy for a few days before heading out on any activities. First one was the bungee jump. The platform is on the bridge which joins Zambia and Zimbabwe, about 120m above the river...very high. Despite feeling pretty good about the whole thing, it hit me the moment we walked on to the bridge how high it was.

Classic form...

The face says it all...

Zip line over the canyon...a little more relaxing.

View from the bridge...

The next evening as part of the trip there was a dinner and booze cruise

Mark and T both went on safari walks which turned out to be a
guaranteed up close with a rhino. The rhino is followed 24 hours a day to protect it from poachers since the other one on the reserve was killed months earlier. It also had a dislocated knee, so it wasn't too hard to keep up with.

This guy is who the poachers get to deal with.
Literally "shoot to kill" if they see a poacher because the poachers will shoot them otherwise. Ridiculous.

Our campsite was full of these monkeys which although very cute at first, turned out to be little punks. They would run after you screeching if you they sensed any fear. The security guards at the sight said they best way to show them who's boss is to give them a quick yank on the tail. And
definitely don't leave valuable lying around, for some reason all monkeys can sense when something is expensive.

Mark's beard was really coming into full force by this point.

Our last day there was a trip to the falls. The overhead shot is courtesy of someone who went on a helicopter ride...a little rich for our blood.

The falls were really impressive, though actually hard to see at times because of all the mist.

For the most part, there was so much it just felt like
it was raining the whole time..but a nice warm rain.
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